My two investment rules: Rule one, never lose money. Rule number two, never forget rule one.
– Warren Buffett
Buffet, who started to earn money at a very young age by following his father’s footsteps, was born in 1930.
The future of this rich man, whose father was also a stockbroker, was actually clear from his childhood. Buffet, who went to New York frequently with his father and was in contact with business people, decided to become rich with this experience.
How Warren Buffet Got In to The Stock Market ?
Buffet, whose lifestyle is the subject of the HBO documentary, bought stocks at the age of 11 and got in to the stock market. Buffet started to do this business quickly thanks to his business acumen and earns quite a lot of money. He buys pinball machines with a friend and sells them to the barber for common profit and quickly earns money at a very young age. Warren earned 57 thousand dollars in high school age. Finally he started the enjoy the Money.
Warren Buffet never thought of going to university when he graduated from high school in 1947, spent 2 years at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania at his father’s insistence. After his father lost the 1948 congressional election, he returned to Omaha and transferred to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. With hard work, he managed to graduate from here in 3 years.
Although he was persuaded to apply to Harvard Business School, he was not accepted because his young age. Ignoring this, he entered Columbia Business School and earned his master’s degree in 1951, working under the professorship of renowned risk analyst Benjamin Graham.
In 1954, Graham offered him a job at his company. After working there for 2 years, he returned to Omaha upon Graham’s retirement and in 1956 formed his first investment trust, Buffett Associates Ltd. In 1962 he laid the foundation for the Buffett Partnership within Berkshire Hathaway. Although it initially seemed like a bad idea due to the decline in the textile industry, Berkshire Hathaway is still one of the largest holding companies in the world.
Warren, a 32-year-old millionaire and founding 7 different companies, is a name that has distinguished himself in many fields from textiles to insurance. Continuing his investments by taking conscious risks, Warren became the richest person in the world in 2008.
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